Throughout our friendship I told them that I love Simona`s feet, so they gave me great surprise and they devoteded several posts with some sexy pictures of Simona.
They also sent that pictures in my email for my personal pleasure.
Thank you dear friends and i am looking forward to receive new photos or videos from you.
Imi place sa sarut, sa ling picioarele unei femei; este un joc in care sexualitatea, erotismul se imbina nevinovat, precum relatia de prietenie intre un barbat si o femeie.

Este adevarat ca picioarele reprezinta un obiect, un fetis sexual; picioarele au o putere de seductie, mai ales atunci cand ele apar curate, intretinute frumos, dulce si foarte senzuale dar mai ales... sexy.
I love to kiss, to lick a woman's feet, is a game like which sexuality, eroticism combine innocent and friendly relationship between a man and a woman.
In this case not to be a man slave, but a person who has a natural passion for female feet, feet that considers women as a more erogenous zone, like the breast.
It is true that the feet are an object, a sexual fetish, feet have a power of seduction, especially when they appear clean, well maintained, very sweet and sensual but especially ... Sexy.