My best friends from Italy - Simona`s feet!
Posted by Ratana
8:00 PM, under sex khmer |

Throughout our friendship I told them that I love Simona`s feet, so they gave me great surprise and they devoteded several posts with some sexy pictures of Simona.
They also sent that pictures in my email for my personal pleasure.
Thank you dear friends and i am looking forward to receive new photos or videos from you.
Imi place sa sarut, sa ling picioarele unei femei; este un joc in care sexualitatea, erotismul se imbina nevinovat, precum relatia de prietenie intre un barbat si o femeie.

Este adevarat ca picioarele reprezinta un obiect, un fetis sexual; picioarele au o putere de seductie, mai ales atunci cand ele apar curate, intretinute frumos, dulce si foarte senzuale dar mai ales... sexy.
I love to kiss, to lick a woman's feet, is a game like which sexuality, eroticism combine innocent and friendly relationship between a man and a woman.
In this case not to be a man slave, but a person who has a natural passion for female feet, feet that considers women as a more erogenous zone, like the breast.
It is true that the feet are an object, a sexual fetish, feet have a power of seduction, especially when they appear clean, well maintained, very sweet and sensual but especially ... Sexy.
School girl
Posted by Ratana
7:55 PM, under korean stars |
We weren't alone, and we knew it. When he told me to wank him off I knew it was a challenge, a test of my dedication and obedience. He would be able to tell his friends exactly how big of a slut I truly was.
It happened this afternoon, on a badly populated train heading towards the suburbs. I always know when he's upto something, he's got that grin on his face. As if he's trying to tell me that this time he will win, this time he will get to punish me brutally. My sexual apitite has taken him by surprise since the start and now he is determined to find something that I will not do. It's a mission bound to fail, I tell you.
We were sitting next to eachother when he leaned closer to me, his mouth first nibbled my ear, his tongue caressing my earlobe and then trailing down my neck. Finding my weak spots, he's good at that. Just when I started to get chills down my spine his touch vanished. His mouth was close to my ear again, I could feel his breath as he whispered: Make me cum.
There are people around, though no one who can see our actions clearly. I put my coat across his lap, unzip his pants and stick my hand in. Feeling the length of him in my hand was an intoxicating feeling, it made me forget all about my surroundings. As I heard his breath get shallow my urge to suck, taste, lick, got overpowering. I wanted to feel the taste of that little droplet of precum on his head. Wanted to feel him fill my mouth, slide down my throat. I couldn't, I knew I couldn't. But the urge was hard to surpress. I tried to keep a look out for people but my mind was preoccupied. Couldn't think, didn't want to think. At some point I stopped caring, I didn't care if someone understood what my arm movements meant, if they realised what a slut I was, how horny the situation made me. So when he told me, loud and clear: Take it in your mouth you slut, I wasn't going to fight his orders. I removed the coat and took all of him in my mouth. About two seconds later I could feel the warmth of his cum at the back of my throat.
20 seconds later he was zipped up and it was like nothing had happened. No one appeared to notice, at least no one gave a sign that they did. As for me I was only sorry I hadn't gotten to cum as well. Perhaps that will be my reward. A girl can hope. Though I might be to loud for people not to notice...
It happened this afternoon, on a badly populated train heading towards the suburbs. I always know when he's upto something, he's got that grin on his face. As if he's trying to tell me that this time he will win, this time he will get to punish me brutally. My sexual apitite has taken him by surprise since the start and now he is determined to find something that I will not do. It's a mission bound to fail, I tell you.
We were sitting next to eachother when he leaned closer to me, his mouth first nibbled my ear, his tongue caressing my earlobe and then trailing down my neck. Finding my weak spots, he's good at that. Just when I started to get chills down my spine his touch vanished. His mouth was close to my ear again, I could feel his breath as he whispered: Make me cum.
There are people around, though no one who can see our actions clearly. I put my coat across his lap, unzip his pants and stick my hand in. Feeling the length of him in my hand was an intoxicating feeling, it made me forget all about my surroundings. As I heard his breath get shallow my urge to suck, taste, lick, got overpowering. I wanted to feel the taste of that little droplet of precum on his head. Wanted to feel him fill my mouth, slide down my throat. I couldn't, I knew I couldn't. But the urge was hard to surpress. I tried to keep a look out for people but my mind was preoccupied. Couldn't think, didn't want to think. At some point I stopped caring, I didn't care if someone understood what my arm movements meant, if they realised what a slut I was, how horny the situation made me. So when he told me, loud and clear: Take it in your mouth you slut, I wasn't going to fight his orders. I removed the coat and took all of him in my mouth. About two seconds later I could feel the warmth of his cum at the back of my throat.
20 seconds later he was zipped up and it was like nothing had happened. No one appeared to notice, at least no one gave a sign that they did. As for me I was only sorry I hadn't gotten to cum as well. Perhaps that will be my reward. A girl can hope. Though I might be to loud for people not to notice...
The return of the video!
I got a little request yesterday from the lovely Adam of the couple blog (Lots of great, sexy pictures! Really worth checking out even if you don't understand swedish, their pictures speak a thousand words!). As always I am eager to please, I wouldn't want to have to punish myself, now would I? So here are two little videos of me fingering myself and then sucking the juices of my fingers. Enjoy!
I hope the videos are to your satisfaction...
Superbowl Sunday
Posted by Ratana
7:47 PM, under korean stars |